Odontology- Research Pioneers

Odontology- Research Pioneers
journal of odontology is a Newly established scientific journal that looks forward to provide a platform for the researchers and pioneers to impart their scholarly knowledge, in the field of Nursing and is planning to release the upcoming issue in which novel quality research works will be published. The scientists, professors, research scholars can publish their high quality papers for worldwide viability on our online platform. Manuscripts can be submitted through Editorial tracking system. https://www.longdom.org/submissions/odontology.html
Hence, inviting the authors to contribute and submit original research articles, reviews, images, commentaries, short communication, case studies etc.
Manuscript can be submit through an online portal system. Priority date for submissions: before 27 January 2020.We look forward to a lasting scientific relationship with you for the benefit of scientific community.
The research areas related to Odontology are divided as types of steroids such as Oral Steroids etc. Dental Diseases, Restorative Dentistry, Endodontics, Orthodontics, Dental Implants, Prosthodontics, Periodontics, Forensic Dentistry, Digital Dentistry etc. Journal of Odontology is a spotlight on dental diseases, fractured teeth, exposed root, worn tooth enamel or fillings, oral cavities etc. Journal of Odontology welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. Papers will be published approximately 15 days after acceptance.
Best Regards
Ruth T Casey
Senior Journal Co-ordinator
Journal of Odontology