Dental Home

Dental Home
Odontology is one of the best open access journals that aims to publish the most complete and reliable source of information on discoveries and current developments in the mode of original articles, review articles, case reports, short communications, etc. in this field and provide online access without any restrictions or subscriptions to researchers worldwide.
Current Research Works on Odontology
Abscessed Tooth, Ankylosed Tooth, Apicoectomy, Baby Bottle Tooth Decay, Baby Teeth, Bad Breath, Bleeding Gums, Braces & Oral Hygiene, Brushing Teeth, Brushing Teeth with Braces, Canker Sore, Caries, Cavities, Chewing Gum, Children’s Oral Hygiene, Children’s Teeth: Impact of Sugar, Deciduous Teeth, Dental Anxiety, Dental Anxiety in Children, Dental Care During Pregnancy, Dental Home, Dental Implant, Dental Implants Cost, Dental Implants Versus Dentures, Dental Sealants, Dental X-Rays, Dental X-Rays During Pregnancy, Dentures: Care & Cleaning, Dentures: Getting Used to New Dentures, Diet & Oral Health, Digital Impressions, Dry Mouth, Early Childhood Caries, Eating with Dentures, Endodontics, Endodontist, Floss Threader, Flossing Teeth, Fluoride, Fluorosis, Foods to Avoid with Braces, Gingivitis, Gum Disease
Development of a Journal depends on the Editorial Board members it has and the quality support it is receiving from that board. The Editorial Board (EB) contains a group of leading subject experts who can judge the articles, journal and guide the process of publication. In other words, EB members prescribe the tone and direction of publications. The Editorial Board Members remain actively involved in analysing submissions
Best Regards
Ruth T Casey
Senior Journal Coordinator
Journal of Odontology